老外动画师Jeremy Chapman作品 :: Animation Demo Reel :: 2012


发贴时间:2018-10-28 22:40 


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Raptor Fight - Hand Keyed in Motionbuilder - Short for Pendulum Studios
(Raptor by Gina Adamova and Caveman by Chris Ghio)
Little Kaiju - Hand Keyed in Maya
Raptor Run - Hand Keyed in Motionbuilder (Raptor by Gina Adamova)
Monkey Jump and Run - Hand-Keyed in Maya (Character and Camera) - Short for Pendulum Studios
Little Kaiju - Hand-Keyed in Maya
Plane - Hand-Keyed in Maya (Plane and Camera) - Singularity Trailer
Dialogue Shots - Adjusted Mocap Facial Animation in Maya, Mocap and Cameras in Motionbuilder - Singulariy Cinematics
Hide from Airship - Hand-Keyed Facial Animation in Maya, Mocap and Cameras in Motionbuilder, Airship in Maya - Red Faction: Guerrilla Cinematics
Guilty Party Cinematics - Responsible for animation speaking characters and some background characters. Hand-keyed in 3ds Max.
Conduit 2: Suiting Up Cinematic - Mocap clean up, facial animation, effects, and render passes.
Buzz Lightyear - Hand-Keyed Body and Facial animation in Motionbuilder - Project test for Pendulum Studios
Iron Man - Hand-Keyed Body and Vehicle aniamtion in Maya - Project test for Pendulum Studios
Monster Head Stab - Hand-Keyed in Motionbuilder - Part of a cinematic from Horn by Phosphor Games
Dragon Slay - Hand-Keyed in Maya, Human mocap in Motionbuilder
Rhinos - Responsible for rhino on screen right after impact - hand keyed in Maya - Project test for Pendulum Studios

[点击下载]Jeremy Chapman Animation Demo Reel 2012 on wmiao.com.mp4
大小:11.5 MB
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