翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)


发贴时间:2018-02-28 10:46 


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翅膀骨骼绑定Maya脚本 - Wing Creator (Maya Script)

Wing Creator (Maya Script)

如何使用_How to use
1) Place wingCreator.py in the ../maya VERSION/scripts directory (VERSION= maya version you have. ex: mine is /maya2010-x64/)

2) To run the program type:
import WingCreator as Wing

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya脚本 - Wing Creator (Maya Script)

You can save this to a shelf button to make life easier.
3) In the GUI input how many feathers for each feather group you want (must be 3 or more) and chose a side (right or left). If you are not familiar with feather groups, refer to the wing diagram above.
4) Click Generate Feathers to generate the feathers.
5) Click Generate Motion System to generate the motion system. Motion system cannot be generated before feathers.
6) Repeat steps 2-4 for the opposite side.

Script Requirments
Feather geometry: L_PrimaryBase, L_SecondaryBase, L_PrimaryCovertsBase, L_SecondaryCovertsBase, L_MedianCovertsBase, L_AlulaBase, R_PrimaryBase, R_SecondaryBase, R_PrimaryCovertsBase, R_SecondaryCovertsBase, R_MedianCovertsBase, R_AlulaBase, TertialBase.
- These are a right and left of all feathers for each group, centered with the tip of the quill at the origin and pointing down the positive Z axis. Only the tertial doesn't need a right and a left due to them being nearly symmetrical.
Locators: L_Wing_1, L_Wing_2, L_Wing_3, L_Wing_4, R_Wing_1, R_Wing_2, R_Wing_3, R_Wing_4.
-These correspond to the shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, and the tip of the hand (not tip of the feathers) respectively.
Blendshapes (OPTIONAL): L_Primary_BLND, L_Secondary_BLND, R_Primary_BLND, R_Secondary_BLND. - Blendshapes must be derived from the feather geometry (for example L_Primary_BLND must be derived from L_PrimaryBase) and must NOT have transforms frozen. Freezing transforms breaks the blendshape, causing it to shift position origin when the blendshape is keyed in.

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)

翅膀骨骼绑定Maya插件Wing Creator 2.0 for Maya (maya script)


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