Clumsy Cop Shot Progression
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21-8-2 20:05发布,I wanted to share quick rundown of my workflow for the Clumsy Cop shot. Thanks for watching! Layout/Previz Blocking: Used simple proxy geo to plan out basic timing,staging and phrasing of specific story beats and to build in simple camera movement. Stepped/Spline Blocking: Began blocking in poses with the actual character rig using the proxy geo as reference. To help myself understand the mechanics of certain actions, I shot reference or researched and found reference online. I worked in any new ideas and tried to push and exaggerate poses and timing. I then continued to breakdown actions and movements using a stepped/spline approach until there was enough information that I felt comfortable moving on. Layered Clean Up/Polish: Transitioned all keys to spline and began cleaning up and polishing each shot. I hid the limbs and head and started cleaning up the hips and torso in short frame chunks. Once a cleanup pass is done for entire shot I turned on the head and repeated the same process. I then did the same for the legs, then the arms. I used the same approach for each shot and continued to check arcs, finesse overlap and offsets, and push/exaggerate the animation with each new pass. Final Polish: Layered in final details and extra bits of polish on the character, props and camera.




