Arnold和Maya的线性工作流渲染教程Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies with Arn...


发贴时间:2018-11-04 16:49 


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Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies with Arnold and Maya
Linear workflows ensure that the colors you use in a project are both consistent and reproducible across many platforms. In this course, Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies with Arnold and Maya, you’ll dive into the color management workflows for Maya and Arnold. First, you’ll begin by learning about color space and color gamut, so you can understand what you’re managing inside of Maya and how to get the results you want. Next, you’ll explore color management preferences inside Maya, and look at each option available individually and what can be customize. Then, you’ll discover how to use third party settings and profiles, such as OpenColorIO, LUT files, and OpenImageIO (TX file conversion). Finally, you’ll take a closer look at the color chooser window and options. By the end of this course, you’ll not only have a solid working knowledge of color management inside Maya, but also a better understanding of color space, color gamut, and why/how to use them. Software required: Maya 2018.

Arnold和Maya的线性工作流渲染教程Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies with Arn...

Arnold和Maya的线性工作流渲染教程Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies with Arn...


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