航天员登月突遭怪兽袭击Beans - Animated Short


发贴时间:2018-10-31 13:00 


人气1718 评论4 点赞2
Astronauts proudly plant a flag on the moon’s surface, before a weird alien suddenly appears, hunting down and squashing each of them. One man is left. Will he conquer his fear with silence and evade a sticky end?
Beans is a short, cheeky, fifty second film with an unexpected ending. Written and directed by animator Alvise Avati, it was completed by the London-based team at Cinesite, who were behind the visual effects on World War Z, Skyfall, Iron Man 3 and many other major productions. Creating our own animated short has given us a chance to show off Cinesite’s creature skills and the talents of our creative team, who also had a great deal of fun making it!

[点击下载]Beans - Animated Short-wmiao.com.mp4
大小:14.05 MB
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