Maya XGen制作产品级的女性头发教程Production with Maya XGen with Bruno Tornisielo


发贴时间:2018-11-10 20:03 


人气2094 评论5 点赞0

Duration 3h 5m MP4
Title: The Gnomon Workshop – Creating a Female Hairstyle for Production with Maya XGen with Bruno Tornisielo
In this workshop, Bruno Tornisielo shares his process for creating a female hairstyle from scratch with Maya XGen and Arnold. He begins by showing how to create simple hair on a sphere to demonstrate XGen’s fundamental principles and tools. Bruno then covers all the tools to create curves and modifiers, discussing how to create a clump, cut, noise and curl. Next, he explains his workflow for creating a ponytail hairstyle, illustrating why it’s better to work on layers, while covering the entire process of creating all the guides and layers for the entire hair groom. Finally, Bruno demonstrates the modifiers for each layer, the light-rig, shaders and finally how to achieve the final render in Arnold. For those looking to create realistic hair for cg characters in Maya, this title provides an in-depth look at production techniques and workflow.
01. Presentation
02. Introduction
03. Simple Grooming Part 1
04. Simple Grooming Part 2
05. Creating Curves for all Layers
06. Maps and Modifiers Part 1
07. Maps and Modifiers Part 2
08. Maps and Modifiers Part 3
09. Maps and Modifiers Part 4
10. Setting Camera and Lights
11. Shader and Render
Duration: 185 Minutes
Format: HD 1280×720

Maya XGen制作产品级的女性头发教程Production with Maya XGen with Bruno Tornisielo

Maya XGen制作产品级的女性头发教程Production with Maya XGen with Bruno Tornisielo


大小:108 Bytes
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