Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1


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Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1

Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集Modular Sets In Blender Volume 1
标题:3dmotive Blender游戏场景制作视频教程第一集

在本课程旨在为中间观众,导师Alan Thorn探讨如何建立低聚环境资产在黑暗的工业主题。这些网格无缝地结合在一起,像积木,在游戏中创建广阔和灵活的关卡设计。使用混合模型,打开,纹理漆,优化资产,将它们出口到一个实时的游戏引擎。五,大量的chaptersyou会检查1)。为构建复杂的形状和图案的多边形建模技术;2)。为提高ngons和精炼你的网格拓扑优化;3)。阴影平滑创建漂亮的网格和纹理设计和UV接缝;4)。纹理展开和UV布局,以及纹理烘焙和绘画,开发一个流畅和直观的工作流程;5)。模型导出游戏引擎,以帮助您的模型生活在实时游戏引擎。在本课程结束时,您将有一个坚实的基础,轻松地建立低聚,模块化游戏资产,可用于重新创建潜在的无限级设计。

Title: 3DMotive – Modular Sets In Blender

In this course intended for intermediate viewers, instructor Alan Thorn explores how to build low-poly environment assets in a dark industrial theme. These meshes fit together seamlessly, like building blocks, for creating expansive and versatile level design in games. Use Blender to model, unwrap, texture-paint, and optimize assets, exporting them to a real-time game engine. Over five, massive chaptersyou’ll examine 1). Polygonal modelling techniques for bulding complex shapes and designs;2). NGons and topology optimization for enhancing and refining your meshes; 3).Smooth shading and UV Seams for creating good looking meshes and texture designs; 4). Texture unwrapping and UV layouts, as well as texture baking and painting for developing a smooth and intuitive workflow; 5). Model exporting for game engines, to help bring your models to life inside a real-time game engine. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation for easily building low-poly, modular game assets that can be used and re-used to create potentially limitless level designs.


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