阿诺德入门教程FlippedNormals - Introduction to Arnold


发贴时间:2018-11-04 17:01 


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Title: FlippedNormals – Introduction to Arnold
Introduction to Arnold
In this Introduction to Arnold series, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using Arnold for Maya and how to create stunning renders. Learn the theory of Arnold and how to optimize it to get fast and efficient renders. With Arnold, you can spend less time worrying about technical issues and more time making beautiful images.
Quality Training
With almost 4 hours of quality Arnold training, you’ll be ready to start your own projects right away. Learn how to install custom shaders, how linear workflow works in Arnold, using cryptomattes, using the render view, setting up a custom lookdev environment and much more!
Project Based
Introduction to Arnold is heavily project based. The beginning of the series will cover the theory, while the second part will guide you through a project. You’ll learn how to light and shade a scene, combining all the principles you’ve learnt so far.
Lookdev Environment
One of the most important parts of shading is having a clean and effective lookdev environment. Zeno will guide you through how to he sets up his lookdev environments – and how to make sure your shaders will work in any light setup. A good lookdev environment is one of a shading artist’s most useful tools.
Master Arnold Shaders
The Arnold shaders are covered in-depth, where advanced topics will be covered. Learn about how work with the shaders in a physically based manner, how IOR and metalness works, and much more. Once you understand how the shaders work, you can create every material you can imagine.
About your Instructor
Zeno Pelgrims is an incredibly talented artist and instructor with a deep knowledge of shading, render engines and how light operates. He’s worked as lead shading artist and now currently working at Animal Logic in Vancouver as a shading artist. Zeno is also the founder of shaders.xyz – a community focused around shading. You can check out Zeno’s beautiful work on his Personal Website.
Software Used
– Maya 2017
– Arnold 5
Files Included
– 3 hours 51 minutes of video tutorials
– Project files

阿诺德入门教程FlippedNormals - Introduction to Arnold

阿诺德入门教程FlippedNormals - Introduction to Arnold


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